
Don’t ask me, my brain just makes strange AUs.

Gotta love the memes

Had fun at Momocon with the costume. Here are the only pictures of me though.

For Momocon this year, I put together this hybrid costume to encourage a friend to start cosplaying.
I really had fun trying to find ways to combine the two characters (three if you count the Mr. Gold portions)

Based on @snafu-moofins post

Nimue is regretting her life decisions…

Imma ink & color this later.

Moving my finished pieces of the below drawing prompt to their own post.

mrgoldsdearie ‘s request for ClippyDarkOne giving congrats to Mr. Gold for bedding Belle. Hope you like it!

Decided to use the following drawing prompt for rumbelle. I have no idea why ClippyRumple is celebrating with Belle, but he is.
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